Greetings from the Guidance Department!
We hope you and your family enjoyed a beautiful summer season, filled with time to relax, to reflect, and to rejuvenate!
We are looking forward to the autumn as we begin to embrace the blessings of a new academic year, 2023 - 2024.
It has been such a joy greeting our SHA girls on campus and celebrating our Opening of School Liturgy. We look forward to participating at our Administration and Guidance sponsored events over the Fall, like Embracing Junior Year, Financial Aid Night, Parent/Teacher Night, Parent Connection Meetings and Parent/Teacher Conferences, in addition to working with all of our students individually, in groups, and at Level Meetings, as we work together in helping them to achieve their many and varied goals of this school year.
May God continue to watch over us as we begin this new journey of belonging, becoming and believing!
Kathleen O’Neill
Kathleen O’Neill
Director of College and Career Counseling
And Academic Services