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Article by Cayla Midy '22 Accepted for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal

NYCSEAS is the peer-reviewed journal of the New York Computational Science & Engineering Fair.
Cayla, a senior at SHA, widely surveyed Long Island adults self-identifying as Black across three dependent variables. A brief summary of "American Blacks" is as follows: "Black Americans and Afro-Caribbeans are often viewed as monolithic despite cultural differences. 217 African-Americans completed a survey examining their opinions on policing, representation, opportunities for success and BLM. Significant differences were observed in attitudes towards these topics between African-Americans from varied cultural groups."
Ms. Midy's publication is Sacred Heart Academy's sixth such accomplishment in less than three years. Fiona Marren '20 and Sofia Di Scipio '20 were published in the Whitman Journal of Psychology in Fall 2020. Carmela Musso's, Sophia Fitzpatrick's and Erin Cooper's essays appeared in the Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 editions of the WJP.
The link to Cayla's paper may be found here:
NY-CSEF, hosted and managed by Yale, Harvard, Columbia and other schools' faculties and alumni, seeks innovative scholarly research projects for presentations and online publications. NY-CEF invites proposals for workshops, journals and poster presentations. We are also seeking prospective panelists on several topics. NY-CSEF accepts projects on science, engineering, humanities, social, and life science. A study that emphasizes any human, social, philosophy, economic or life science phenomenon as a major cause or effect can be the research domain as well. Additionally, NY-CSEF features articles that contribute in some way to the improvement of general knowledge or empirical theory, broadly defined.