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Science Research » Grade 12

Grade 12

Does parental occupation influence job aspirations in high school females?
Leilah Clark
Media microaggressions? A content analysis of mainstream newspaper descriptions of non-white male victims of violence, 2014-15 vs. 2019-20
Erin Cooper
When guilt is good: Can employing anthropomorphism in PSA’s improve climate change awareness and activism?
Sophia Fitzpatrick
Factors exacerbating PM-2.5 air pollution in four discrete sites in and near New York City
Angelina Kramer
Canaries in the coal mine: Evaluating the effects of petrochemical contamination on the cardiovascular health of Daphnia major
Mary Menger
Poor letter knowledge among skilled readers despite significant visual exposure
Lindsay Moran
The effects of spirituality & technology usage on the resilience of students attending faith-based institutions
Carmela Musso
The impact of sleep quality & quantity on performance among aesthetic athletes
Genevieve Satzinger